Thank you to the many dental offices that hosted a CCTC dental assistant student on our Job Shadow Day! A Brighter Smile Divine Dentistry Superior Dental Dr. Larry Hand Ark La Tex Oral...

Thank you to the many dental offices that hosted a CCTC dental assistant student on our Job Shadow Day! A Brighter Smile Divine Dentistry Superior Dental Dr. Larry Hand Ark La Tex Oral...
Do you want a chance to earn $2000 dollars to further your education? Apply now for the CCTC Foundation Scholarship.
CCTC parents, guardians, and families: Please watch the video below, then use this link to complete a short survey about our school! Thank you for your time and attention.
Please click here to help support our SkillsUSA students in their pursuit of career-readiness! We've had some inquiries as to how folks can help support our SkillsUSA students this year. We've had one fundraiser selling Double Good Popcorn and will host a few other...
This week, student leaders have been making announcements each period to promote awareness of our PBIS school wide expectations here at CCTC!! PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The National program seeks to reduce or eliminate poor...
We have three new teachers at Caddo Career & Technology Center this year! Mr. Dane Shillings is our new Architectural Design and Drafting instructor. Mr. Shillings has twenty-four years of experience in the Drafting field, but this is his first year teaching. He...
Link to pay SkillsUSA dues. (must pay to be a member, participate in activities, and compete at state) to an external site. Look for SkillsUSA Wren/Matlock $20 Students who are interested in becoming a...
Congratulations to Da'Mari Burnham-Robinson Byrd HS Junior